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4 tips to Tackle Your CSA Box

August 09, 2018 0 Comments

Joining a CSA was a big commitment. We have to show up EVERY week with an appropriate container. We receive a seemingly huge amount of veggies THEN we have to figure out what to do with it throughout the week! It can be a pretty intimidating idea to even think about.

Here are some tips that have helped me stay afloat from drowning in veggies throughout the week.

1. Know your limits …..and test them

There are certain “off limit” foods in our house because of our picky eater. (i.e. Tomatoes) We have made a deal though. The deal is that if I make a dish with the foods he just doesn’t like he at least has to try a bite. In return for his trust I make my best effort to turn a veggie into something he will eat usually by imitating some dish he loves.

Most recently my victory has been with summer squash!

Brian LOVES baked and quartered potatoes with herbs on them. SO I took that idea and copied it with the squash. I quartered it up and baked it the same way.

HE LOVES THEM! He eats them like fries!

Copy cat the beloved dishes and replace with the rarely used veggie in your box

2. Make it a habit to plan ahead

Every week there are inevitable tasks that must be done. Make it a habit to take the time for your food. Carve out part of a day in your week that is devoted to prepping like a sous chef for the rest of the week. Associate that day with something else you usually do so it becomes habit. (Mine is laundry) 

I follow the “if you can’t get out of it… get into it” philosophy.” So, I try to make to chore of breaking down veggies and packing them up into something fun! I will put on loud music, or an audiobook and just enjoy that time with myself.

Don’t forget to think about the weeks meat that needs to come out of the freezer when you are done.

3. Be prepared for the quick week night dinners

Think about it. Pick it up. Observe it.

As you chop and slice away for the weeks meals be thinking of what you would like to see this veggie go into….spaghetti sauce? field peas with a slice of bacon and fresh sliced tomatoes? imitation noodles? cucumber “crackers” with goat cheese?

I’ve started using clear to-go soup containers. I love that they are clear so you see what’s in there. It helps when grabbing ingredients for your meal throughout the week. I also use painters tape to label the item and date. It’s easy to get off before the wash. 

4. Enjoy the adventure of a challenge

Once or twice thru the week, before you jump on facebook in a spare bored minute, take a second to research some of your veggies that have you are confused and asking, “What do I even DO with this?!”

Never fear! The internet is here! Pintrest, blogs, foodie magazines… they are all online now.

Recently for me it was spaghetti squash. I’d never cooked it! I’m so glad I tried the recipe I found because it was SO SO good. Another was eggplant. I turned to eggplant parmesan with homemade mozzarella from our milk. We’ve really been enjoying eggplant since!

It’s ultimately a blessing to be able to know the food you eat and the farmer who cared for it to get it to this point. I am completely in aw of the farmers that have geared their whole family around farming and have done so with such kind and gentle intentions.

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