Tues - Fri: 10am - 6pm & Sat - Mon: Closed

October Newsletter

October 07, 2016 0 Comments

Plenty to Learn

Even though I studied farming for over six years, I find out everyday that I still have a lot to learn! The nice thing is there are some really great farmers out there that are willing to lend a helping hand. Thankfully, I also have some awesome customers that are willing to come out and help as well. On a personal note I'd like to say thank you to everyone who has in some form or the other contributed to this farm. It is so rewarding to see the animals I produce go home to families that know and care about where their meat comes from. This whole farm thing is not easy. There are days when I want to turn around, pack it up, and call it quits. But then I remember what the end goal is. It's worth it. You are worth it. Thanks for sticking with me in this.

Babies Babies and more Babies

All three sows have given birth over the past few months. It has been a whirlwind for this new farmer! Pigs are incredible, each sow had her own personality and methods of giving birth. Thelma, (of Thelma and Louise my Tamworth pair from North Carolina) gave birth first. In her typical loving mentality, she let me check her way more than necessary leading up to her delivery. She had one piglet that was not going to survive, we ended up bottle feeding her and named her munchie. Spots, on the other hand, had no intention of nesting where I preferred. Having had a litter before she knew how and where she wanted to have them. (I didn't love the place she had chosen because it was prown to flash floods during high rainfall.) She also felt is nessary to "nest" obsessively. She brought all sorts of things to her nest including poison ivy! Louise gave birth out of nowhere, she had no milk every time I checked and then BOOM! She ended up giving birth during a storm and flash floods, there was a rush to move them to a dry area to say the least!


For the first time ever at Cottonwood Farm there will be pork! It'll be ready within the next month or so and I'll be sending out notifications to let you know how to purchase, and what cuts will be available. We will also be harvesting feeder pigs for whole hog roast. The whole hog will most likely end up weighing around 50 lbs, so if you are interested please let me know.


I'm happy to report that the turkeys are doing VERY well. They are growing and eating like crazy! During the evening if I don't get out and feed them in a timely manner they will come to the barn and remind me it's supper time. They also LOVE hanging around the Persimmon tree and waiting for one to drop off and scarf them down in one bite. These guys have been a joy to witness this year. There are still a few available if you haven't reserved yours yet. Also, if you know of someone that might be interested please send my way.  I know it's hard to get out to the farm all the time. So, if you would be interested in picking up chicken at Court Street Market please fill out the form on my homepage to let me know you are interested. The pickups would happen monthly on a Saturday. You could pickup your chicken, cup of coffee, and a roasted chicken sandwich (from Cottonwood Farm) from the Woodpecker!


When I started this farm, I had the vision of one day being featured on Odette's menu. This year my dream came true, I had tears of joy at the sight of my farm being featured on Odette's menu. Earlier this summer they had a delicious smoked chicken BLT with a bacon balsamic mayonnaise. They have since changed their menu to include a Cottonwood Farm Chicken Philly Sandwich. Go check them out and thank them for supporting Cottonwood Farm. Stock up on Chicken for the winter! This winter I will be offering a CSP (Community Supported Poultry). I want to make sure you have chicken available for your family throughout the winter, since they are a seasonal item at our farm you may want to stock up! There are more details on the link below. 


Munchie and Heildi have become the best of friends! They can often be seen together napping and soaking up the sun. After the suckling pigs were put up in the barn to wean, I decided to leave Muchie out to roam. She gets into everything and Heildi loves being her sidekick.

Please share Cottonwood Farm with your friends and family. Word of mouth is the best shout out! 

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